Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy = Grateful

I heard on the radio this week being thankful / grateful is the number 1 cause of happiness.  
So, in the last week, I am thankful for the following...
1.  Loafing in a lounge chair at LaBonte's Cabin at Keystone yesterday.
2. Pancakes.  Thank you IHOP!
3. A delicious buffalo burger at the Buffalo Bar and Grill in Idaho Springs.  Also like supporting local restaurants. 
4. Happy hour at Samba Room and a good friend to share it with.
5. The Olympics and all the inspiring stories.  Congrats to the men's 4 man bobsled team for ending a 60+ year drought.  And for the Nordic Combined Team in bringing medals to the US where we had none.
6.  A good job.
7.  The luxury to travel.
8.  Donuts at church on Sunday.  It's the right way to start the day.
9.  Making wings with the K-1st Graders to remind them that God loves them like a mother hen.
10.  The Chey dog.

A great view of happiness

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